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Website Design & Development

Merkados Websites

Why is website design important for your small business?

Small businesses need professional website design and development for many reasons. Some of them include: making a lasting impression in your audience, providing information, sharing your business communication in a way that you control and providing value to your clients in a digital way.

Your website is like your digital storefront, and it is often the first point of contact for many of your potential customers. Just as a brick-and-mortar storefront must be well-maintained and attractive to draw in customers, your website must be expertly crafted and maintained to make a positive impression.

Merkados™ will ensure that your website is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also user-friendly, device responsive and optimized for the major search engines.

A professional website is a digital representation of your brand and can be a powerful tool in attracting and retaining customers. A poorly designed website, on the other hand, can be a major hindrance to your success, just as a faulty machine can slow down production.

If your website is difficult to navigate or slow to load will drive away your potential audience, just as a machine that is slow or unreliable will decrease your chances of succeeding. Investing in a professional website is not only wise, but also essential for the success of your small business in the era where almost every person carries the Internet on their pocket.

What makes a Merkados™ website unique?

You may find hundreds of possibilities when looking to design a new website. From free template offers, to very inexpensive templates that you create yourself, to high end agencies that assign different team members for different parts of your site.

So how do you know what is the best way forward?

At Merkados™ we believe that for website development to make sense for small business owners, it must produce a positive ROI. In today’s economy, you must be careful about your investments and how they reflect on your bottom line. In order for us to deliver a positive ROI for our website projects, we keep our costs low and we pack all of our more than 20 years of expertise creating websites that work.

Here are some of the things that we do differently:

  1. Our websites are designed by an in-house professional website designer.
  2. Our websites are developed with WordPress and Elementor.
  3. We offer bilingual English and Spanish web development.
  4. Our websites are revised for speed, usability, responsiveness and conversion performance.
  5. We don’t design your website and expect you to make it successful on your own. Instead, we assist you with your digital marketing, making it our mission to see you succeed online.

Things that small business owners should consider when investing on a new website

There are plenty of options for getting a new website, but here are some important considerations if you are a small business owner looking to redesign your site:

  1. Branding: Your website should accurately reflect your brand and communicate your unique value proposition to your potential customers. There are millions or websites out there and your only chance of rising through the clutter is use powerful branding. Making your business memorable is a must. And your website should reflect the voice, tone and style of your brand.

  2. User Experience: Your website should be easy to navigate, fast-loading, have clear calls-to-action(CTAs) and provide a positive user experience. Merkados™ will be able to provide guidance on how to make your website user-friendly and accessible to your visitors. Most importantly, we will measure the performance of your site over time and improve it, making sure that your audience’s behavior is the one directing our actions.

  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Your website should be optimized for search engines to increase its visibility and attract organic traffic. We will help you implement best practices for SEO, onsite and offsite.

  4. Mobile Optimization: More than half of all website traffic now comes from mobile devices, so it is important that your website is optimized for mobile viewing. Merkados™ will create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and different browsers.

  5. Content Management System (CMS): A CMS is a platform that allows you to manage and update your website content easily. Merkados™ will design your website on WordPress, the most popular and widely-used CMS in the world.  With unlimited users, roles and plenty of administration power, you can update your website easily and keep it fresh and up-to-date.

Contact Merkados™ today!

If you are ready to take advantage of the best digital marketing strategies and design a new website, contact Merkados™ today!

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