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I use our own website rarely because it just takes too long.

Website not functional

If you perceive that accessing your website’s information takes too long, it may be an indicator of poor navigation and usability. Some corporate websites have hundreds of thousands of pages, some of them years old. On top of that, some of them don’t have a clear hierarchy or organization to that content.

When an organization has different databases for their official information, often they end up making one of them the “official” one, while the others tend to have less up-to-date information. Such is the case sometimes with big bulky websites. After a few years, the information in some pages may not be up to date any more.

Navigation Issues

Even though the quality of the content can sometimes be the main issue, some other times the problem is how to get to that information in the first place. Sometimes we have seen people using Google to search their own website instead of trying to navigate it and find the right information. The main navigation of the site and even the internal search engine may not work as intended. Imagine how your prospective clients may feel if even you are having trouble finding your own information.

Traditional Web Design Services make the problem worse

Traditional web design services expect the agency to hand-over the website once completed and expect the client to make it successful from that point on. We believe that the problem is exacerbated when the marketing department is responsible for the performance of the website, when in reality they often are not properly prepared in such technical capacity.

For example, a marketing manager at a Hospital, normally has very little hands-on knowledge of digital marketing. Not to mention that the technical skills to be able to think strategically and then execute them on the site are even more rare. But even if they had the skills and knowledge to effectively execute the strategies, when would they find the time?

The solution is an external digital marketing system

The solution is to hire Merkados and implement our AIM System effectively working as a digital marketing department for your organization. That way you don’t have to pay the salaries, the 401ks, the offices, the equipment, the training and everything else. Instead you get a small team of highly focused people that do three things:

  1. Identify the opportunities to improve your digital marketing.
  2. Attract new prospective customers to your business and
  3. Measure the results of your strategies to be able to focus on those activities that create the highest ROI.

If you are interested in learning more about how Merkados may be able to help please consider scheduling a free call today!

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